Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Chemotherapy #2 June 2nd 2009
Amazing how fast 11 days go.. Lilly is admited on-time for the 2nd chemo. There are 2 new drugs in this protocol Etopiside and Ifosfamide. We are admitted for a 5 day treatment which really is at least 6 with hydration and pre-medicating with anti-nausea medicines.Lilly is nauseous after the first day so they add steriods permenently into her anti-nausea medication.It seems to keep the nausea away for most of her 5 day treatment. Lilly gets many visitors and spends time in the playroom.One of the kid tests positive for the flu.. Now we get to add Tamiflu to the list of medicines Lilly has to take.
This cycle also makes Lillys hair fall out in clumps.Actually it just mats like a dollhair that you actually get wet. Her long ponytail is stuck to her head. I do not have the heart to cut it so I call my friend Carla (who is my hairdresser) and she comes up after work to patiently comb through all of Lilly's knots for at least 2 hours.Carla is a saint! She had just lost her sister to cancer about 4 months before. By the time Carla is finished 3/4 of Lilly's hair is in the garbage .We hide it from her but she knows as the tears fall down her face. Lilly who always yelled when I would comb her hair to hard never said a word . I don't think it hurt but it was obvious that Lilly knew her hair was almost gone. Carla then cut her hair into a short shoulder cut. I promise Lilly we will get a wig on the way home from this cycle.. Hard way for a kid to grow up...
Lilly met a new boy named Mark who has Osteosarcoma. He is only 8 years old and he and Lilly become friends. My husband Brian decides to paint with Lilly and adorns her hospital room window with the Boston Red Sox logo. Mark and his mom paint the Yankees on the window to the room next door.. Let the rival begin. Who says you can't have some fun with chemo!!!